Results of category Adventures Interesting places and adventures in the Annapolis Valley

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Seven Falls Climb in Melvern Square

| Reading time: 11 minutes

As with my Currie Brook Adventure, I discovered this unique place when going after a geocache.  This time it was only one outing and it required only one short hike.  The unique quality in this site is the long continuous series of cascading water coming down from the top of the North Mountain. ...

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Curry Brook - Up and Down - Down and Up for Geocaches

| Reading time: 15 minutes

This is a description of my adventure in the Autumn of 2020 to explore a gorge on the north edge of the Southern Uplands of Kings County, Nova Scotia.  A geocacher with the interesting moniker of Junior Woodchuck Huey, had hidden nine caches along the stream, called Curry Brook. In two separate...

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Surveying for Old Forest - Chain Lake Kings County

| Reading time: ~1 minute

Situation The Kings County area of Nova Scotia is forested in its southern section but very little of it is has been set aside for wildlife habitat as a wilderness area. The Blomidon Naturalists Society learned from preliminary surveys in that area that there are species of concern whose habitat...


The web manager lives in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia and is retired from teaching at the university level. He is very much invested in nature and citizen science related to nature. This includes big trees, butterflies, birds, the stars, weather, and life in general. This takes him outdoors where he enjoys geocaching, bicycling, walking, and kayaking.