11 February, 2025 - Reading time: 11 minutes
The path of totality for the April 2024 Solar Eclipse crossed New Brunswick, Canada, from the St. John River Valley to the Northumberland Straits. The width of the path was 171 km. I had selected the small village of Stanley, N.B. as the sight for observing the eclipse. I set up in a nice little village park with benches and table beside the Upper Nashwaak River. There was a good view to the Southwest where the Sun would be. Stanley was 26 km south of the centre-line of the eclipse and had 3 minutes 10 seconds of totality. This was only 10 seconds less than an eclipse seen on the centre line. We were staying with the Bernards in Charter Settlement. If we had observed from there, totality would have only been 1 minute and 48 seconds. The gain was well worth the 3/4 hour drive north of Fredericton.
The whole eclipse took place from 3:23 pm to 5:42 pm ADT. The Sun was a 44 deg altitude at the start and moved through 35 degrees ending at 24 deg above the horizon. Totality started at 3:33 pm and ended at 3:36 ADT. At that time the Sun was at altitude 35 degrees in the Southwest. The weather had cleared the previous night and there were cloudless skies. A few high cirrus and lenticulars seen on the drive to the site had dissipated.
I used a Canon M2 mirrorless camera to capture images of the Sun. It had a 500 mm mirror-lens (Rokinon) with a aluminized mylar filter. The lens had a fixed aperture of f6.3. The camera was set on manual at ISO400 and shutter speed of 1/125 th of a second. (afterward it was determined that this slightly over exposed the Sun, with the filter). The camera was mounted on an equatorial drive so as to track the motion of the sun. The drive was a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer mounted on a surveyors tripod. The mount was align as well as possible with a magnetic compass (magnetic delination of -16 degrees) and a level. During the eclipse the Sun stayed in the field of view of the camera for an hour before having to be readjusted. In order not to have to touch the camera to take pictues and adjust settings, the camera was controlled via WiFi with Canon Connect application run on a Vernee Android phone.
63 images were taken during the whole eclipse (15 during totality without the filter and 48 during the partial phase (with the filter).
At our home in Nova Scotia the eclipse was only partial but at totality in New Brunswick, the Sun was 96% covered in Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia. I have an automatic weather station that records the solar Radiation, the outdoors temperature and the windspeeds. The image below has all three graphs lined up showing the decrease in solar radiation during the eclipse, the drop in temperature and the decrease in wind. These all occur at 4:37 pm at the time of maximum eclipse. (click on the image for a larger image)