Blogs: Astronomy-Nature-Adventure
Canard River, Tidal Floods, and Acadian Dykes
On September 18, 2023 In Natural History
Minas Basin Rivers before 1680 - Tidal Flooding
Today when one drives from Wolfville to Canning, Nova Scotia, it is a pleasant passage through productive farmland the whole way. During thetransit, there are crossings of a river and a couple small streams which are hardly noticed. Before 1750 this trip would have been far different because several dykes holding the tidal waters of the Minas Basin had not been built yet.
The map below of the area of interest shows the flooding to the 7 meter
How we see the Universe Expansion.
On December 15, 2019 In Astronomy
As we look out into our universe we (astronomers) see billions of galaxies. A most impressive image made by the Hubble space telescope of the galaxy cluster Abell 370. That is Abell 370 below with lots galaxies and distorted lensed background galaxies. Everything in the image is a galaxy.
Abell 370 is xxx Mpc from Earth. z = 0.375 4 billion ly away in Cetus.
Hubble telescope has taken some images of the most distant galaxies known
The Image below is only 2.3'
Distant Dusty, Star-forming Galaxy
On December 13, 2019 In Astronomy
MM J100026.36+021527.9 (a.k.a. "Mambo-9"), is a dusty, star forming galaxy formed when the universe was very young. The galaxy is so far away that space has expanded during the time it took for light to get here. That expansion has shifted the light from the galaxy by a factor of 5.85. Light that left the galaxy in the visible spectrum (~ 500 nm) reached us with a wavelength of 2.9 micrometres (in the infrared) In the region that Mambo-9 resides, galaxies are moving away from us at 95.8%
Abell 1639 's Mass - Gravitational Lensing
On December 12, 2019 In Astronomy
In the last class of Recent Discoveries in Astronony, we discussed dark matter and in one example, the total mass of the galactic cluster Abell 1689. The total mass and hence the amount of dark matter was determined by using the lensing of distant galaxies beyond the cluster. The question was asked how the astronomers knew the distance to those galaxies and I did not have the answer. The distance is needed to do the calculation of the mass causing the gravitational
The Blomidon Naturalists 50th Year Anniversary
On December 31, 1969 In Natural History
This is a copy of a presentation at Nature Nova Scotia's Celebration of Nature that I gave to mark the 50th Anniversary of the formation of Blomidon Naturalists Society in
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